
confessions of an admitted whore


i can't bring myself to twit (tweet?)
i have been in bed with too many websites.
it all started with black planet:
a site for black folks and people who like black folks.
then there was xanga:
the original blogging site.
an online journal type thingy.
next came myspace:
you know what that is...
a place for friends or whatevs.
then there was flickr:
(or however you spell that shit.)
a networking site for photographers.
and now i'm on facebook:
(prepare for shameless plug:
oh, shit...
i almost forgot the website i am currently on...
blogger, imeem, youtube, and too many more to name...
(yeah, it's so bad, i've lost count.)
so you can understand why twitter just feels like a sin!
like i'd officially be a website whore if i fucked with another one.
so you will not find me on twitter...
at least not tonight...
or tomorrow
(assuming i can hold out that long.
these websites are so fucking seductive!!!)
but, you know, if you are into that whole internet promiscuity, do your thing.
i think that i and facebook, though, are just gonna go ahead and settle down for a while.
hell, we may even marry.
he doesn't mind when i have the occasional nightcap with blogger.

holler at a player.


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