Seems like everything on TV has gotten 'fucking lame', 'unrealistic', or pedantic as fuck recently. That's why there is only one show on television I grace with my undivided brottention. That show, is 'Californication'.
I've usually got 'a rule' when it comes to falling into the Prime Time shit cable trap, especially after a good second season, but just look at this goddamn trailer!
Okay, so it's really weak. But I mean, the man is a hero. He is God's gift to women. He is what I aspire to be all day, every day of the week. And he doesn't even try. No. Worse. He hates it. It's the bane of his life. He's a hopelessly romantic walking dildo.
What's great about this show is that it covers all the things modern Southwestern Bohemia is actually about, unlike Entourage, which is just Marky Mark's delusion of what bros jizzing on the general mainstream population of the world would look like in HD from the balcony of a Hollywood mansion. But since Venice Beach, the HQ for Hank's endless shenanigans, is, 'quite literally', the Devil's back yard/Ass hole/one of the most beautiful places in the world, there is psychopathic realism in his plight. It's romantic as hell.
You can watch all the back episodes (illegally) at
Damn. Sorry. Just remembered not everyone's got Cable/Satellite/Fiber-optics-based TV. But you're a cunt if you don't have TV at all. And you're not a cunt, so watch 'Lost', because this is based on it.
No but really, get off your ass and do something. Because you're wasting your lives folks. And this blog sucks ass. And Hitch is maybe the best movie ever. RoRhet Whatsup!? Should I be endorsing things on this blog? Damn. Did I do this on purpose? Anybody down for a few brewskies and stoags if I call some 'bitches' over to 'chill' tonight? I'm actually losing control of what I'm writing here. Fuck. It's hard out here for a douche.
ReplyDeletejust realized that that poster and this blog have very similar color schemes